The Springdale Fire Department urges everyone to be aware of the potential dangers associated with ice on lakes, ponds, and other bodies of water. While the frozen surfaces may seem solid, hidden risks may lead to accidents and emergencies. Ice thickness can vary, so thin ice may not be able to support the weight of a person or animal. Falling through thin ice can lead to drowning or hypothermia. Remember, safety comes first! Enjoy winter activities responsibly, and help us ensure a hazard-free season for everyone. Here is video of an extremely close call averted by State Troopers in Vermont, when they rescued an 8-year-old girl from an icy pond in December (according to media sources, she survived this event). vcGVyIHNhdmVzIDggeWVhciBvbGQ%3D
8 months ago, Justin Pinkley
ice on a pond
E2, E5, and Battalion 1 assisted Fayetteville Fire Department with a residential structure fire this morning.
8 months ago, Tad Tanakatsubo
Units are currently on scene of a residential structure fire. Crews confirmed a working chimney fire with extension into the walls. #teamspringdale #springdalefire
8 months ago, Rance Richardson
Battalion 1, Engine 3, and Engine 4 assisted Lowell Fire Dept with a residential structure fire. SFD provided water and man power to help get the incident under control. #teamspringdale #springdalefire
8 months ago, Rance Richardson
Lowell fire
Lowell fire
Lowell fire
Lowell fire
Lowell fire
We're thrilled to share some heartwarming news! The Rockcrawlers 4x4 Club of Northwest Arkansas held their annual Rocktoberfest in October. New stuffed animals were donated to the fire department, using proceeds from this event. These cuddly companions will be carried on our apparatus to provide comfort to children during emergency situations. We would like to express our appreciation for this thoughtful donation.
8 months ago, Justin Pinkley
Stuffed animals on the bumper of the fire truck
Crew with the donor of the stuffed animals.
Winter's icy grip is tightening, and extreme cold demands extra precautions. The Springdale Fire Department urges you to prioritize safety during severe cold weather with these essential tips. Firstly, protect against frostbite and hypothermia by layering clothing and covering exposed skin. Limit outdoor exposure, especially during extreme wind chills. Ensure your home's heating systems are working efficiently. Never use bar-b-que grills, ovens, or stovetops for heating. Space heaters should be supervised and placed away from flammable materials. Check for drafts in your home and use weather stripping to seal windows and doors. Keep emergency supplies like blankets, flashlights, and non-perishable food handy. Stay informed about weather forecasts and have an emergency communication plan in place. Charge your phones and have a battery-powered radio to receive updates. In severe cold, water pipes can freeze. Insulate pipes and let faucets drip during extreme cold to prevent freezing. Your safety is our concern. By taking these precautions, you can weather the storm safely. For more information or assistance, reach out to your Springdale Fire Department. Let's face the cold together and stay warm and secure.
8 months ago, Justin Pinkley
Cold Thermometer in the snow
As we begin 2024, here are a couple of snapshots of our statistics from last year. Our annual report will be shared in the coming weeks. Click the link below for additional department statistical information.
8 months ago, Justin Pinkley
2023 incidents by Primary station
Incidents by Month
As crews on duty tonight settle in for hopefully a long winter's nap, they have left some milk and cookies out for the big guy!
8 months ago, Justin Pinkley
firefighters gear on the engine
Last night A-Shift responded to a residential structure fire. Crews arrived on scene to smoke throughout the house from a chimney fire. The fire was contained to the chimney area with little extension into the house. Tarps were used to protect the home owners property while crews worked to bring the situation under control. No injuries were reported.
8 months ago, Rance Richardson
Today's highlight is the Mickey Jackson Training Center and staff. This state of the art facility is the hub of all training for the department. In addition to meeting our department's training needs, it also serves as one rotating site for the NWA regional fire training academy. We have 4 highly qualified staff members who work diligently to keep our personnel current in meeting required educational goals. This location also serves as the permanent home for our restored Fire Engine 2, Ole Betsy.
9 months ago, Justin Pinkley
The crew at the training center in front of Ole Betsy
Drone shot of the Micky Jackson Training Center
Ole Betsy
As we continue the countdown to Christmas, today's spotlight is our Logistics officer, and our Emergency Vehicle Technicians. The logistics officer's duties include purchasing, receiving, facilities maintenance, and managing literally everything we use at the fire department. The EVTs are responsible for keeping our entire fleet of fire apparatus and ambulances response ready.
9 months ago, Justin Pinkley
our logistics officer
Our Department Mechanics
This morning, E3, M3, E5, E7, and Battalion 2 teamed up with Cargill Meat Solutions for a hazardous materials training exercise. They simulated an anhydrous ammonia leak at the E. Randall Wobbe Ln facility. These mock incidents are conducted at least annually and benefit both Cargill’s hazmat team and Springdale Fire to ensure all parties are prepared and can operate together efficiently.
9 months ago, Alexis Flagg
New recruit practicing a rescue
Battalion 2
Decontamination process
Cargill’s equipment
Hazmat suits
Springdale Fire’s HazMat truck
Springdale Fire’s HazMat logo
The Springdale Fire Department's countdown to Christmas has begun. Over the next twelve days, we will highlight our support staff and each of our stations. Today's post is highlighting Fire Administration, the Accreditation/Compliance team, the Community Risk Reduction Division, The Fire Chief's administrative assistant, and our EMS billing clerk.
9 months ago, Justin Pinkley
Cars 1, 2, and 3
Accreditation team
Administrative assistants
Here are a few more of our fire escape plan winners. Elmdale, T.G.Smith, George, and Childers Knapp Elementaries. Congratulations to all of these young people!
9 months ago, Justin Pinkley
T.G. Smith Win a Ride winner and crew
Elmdale Elementary Win a Ride Winners and Engine 3 crew
George Elementary win a ride winner and Engine 5 crew
Childers Knapp elementary win a ride winner and Engine 5 crew
E3 enjoying the beautiful day getting some driver training in and ran into some fantastic residents in the process! Later, they joined E1 for some pump training. #sfd #teamspringdale #firedepartment #service #fidelity #dedication
9 months ago, Cody Bennett
E3 giving tour of the engine
Kids touring the engine
Firefighter dons mask and SCBA for demonstration
Firefighter demonstrates breathing apparatus
Firefighter executing pumping drills
E1 and E3 joint training
Do you know how important it is to keep your Christmas tree watered? This video shows how quickly a dry tree can go up in flames. It only takes SECONDS! #teamspringdale #springdalefire #firesafety #holidaysafety #education
9 months ago, Rance Richardson
This week all three shifts will be rotating through Carroll Electrics safety demonstration. Employees from Carroll Electric will be going over the hazards and operational recommendations for working around electrical lines and equipment.
9 months ago, Rance Richardson
Here are a few more of our fire escape plan winners. Turnbow, Monitor, Parson Hills, Bayyari, Young, and Hunt Elementaries. Congratulations to all of these young people!
9 months ago, Justin Pinkley
Bayyari winner for fire escape
Turnbow fire escape winner
Hunt elementary fire escape winner
Parson Hills fire escape winner
Bayyari fire escape winner
Young fire escape winner
Each October, Springdale Fire Department visits every elementary school in the city to share fire safety information with students. Additionally, students are encouraged to create a fire escape plan for their home to submit for a contest. The escape plans are then judged by the school staff and a winner is selected from each school. The prize is a tour of a fire station, then a ride to school in a fire engine. On arrival at the school, they are met by their classmates and school staff. Here are a few winners from Jones, Westwood, Tyson, and Shaw Elementary Schools. Congratulations to all of the winners!
9 months ago, Justin Pinkley
Crew with the Winner for the Win a Ride for Westwood Elementary
Crew with the win a ride winner for Tyson Elementary
Crew with the winner for Shaw Elementary
Crew with the winner for Jones Elementary
From our family to yours, Springdale Fire Department wishes you and your loved ones a safe and happy Thanksgiving!
9 months ago, Tad Tanakatsubo