Hope you all have a great Labor Day Weekend!! Please celebrate responsibly and do not drink and drive.
1 day ago, Springdale Police Department
Cellphones. Yep, we pretty much all have them. Drivers of a motor vehicle shall not use use a wireless telecommunications device (i.e. cellphone) while operating a motor vehicle when passing a school building or zone during school hours when children are present and outside unless in an emergency. Arkansas Code 27-51-1605. It is easy to get distracted and with a lot of vehicle and foot traffic in a condensed area, it is even more dangerous to answer that text, call, or notification. Stay safe and arrive alive.
21 days ago, Springdale Police Department
Springdale schools begin Monday. Expect heavy traffic around schools as kids are being dropped off and picked up. Remember, some of the newer students have backpacks just as big as them and take just a little bit longer. Please be patient and watch your speed through school zones. We hope everyone has a great first day back!!
22 days ago, Springdale Police Department
We would like to congratulate Officer Gauge Jorgenson on his graduation from ALETA-NW class of 2024-B. Officer Jorgenson placed 2nd in firearms and academics. Officer Jorgenson will now enter the FTO phase of training. Congratulations on your accomplishments
about 1 month ago, Springdale Police Department
We are getting closer to our National Night Out event. It will be a great night to come out and hang out with Officers, have some food, and have fun with family and friends. We will have food, a gaming trailer, bounce houses, drone and K9 demos, and much more; so come on out and hang with us.
about 1 month ago, Springdale Police Department
In today's episode of Misdemeanor Monday; The Springdale Police Department needs your help in identifying the following subjects regarding incidents within our city limits. If you happen to know any of these subjects please contact the Police Dept at 751-4542, our Investigation Division 750-8139 or text our tipline at 317-0158. All help is appreciated. Now back to your normal scrolling
about 1 month ago, Springdale Police Department
We would like to thank NWA summit Baptist Church for stopping by and giving us a basket full of treats. We appreciate your time and support.
about 2 months ago, Springdale Police Department
We hope you all have a safe and happy 4th of July celebration tonight.
about 2 months ago, Springdale Police Department
The Springdale Police Department and surrounding agencies are partnering with the NHTSA over the fourth of July holiday looking out for impaired drivers. If you decide to drink please use a designated driver or ride share to get home. Remember you are not the sparkler, so don't drive lit. We hope you have a great and safe 4th of July Celebration!!
about 2 months ago, Springdale Police Department
The Springdale Police Department would like to proudly announce the promotion of Dustin Treat to the rank of Captain. Captain Treat has been with the Springdale Police Department nearly 18 years. An an Officer, Captain Treat has worked on patrol, Crime Suppression Unit, and has served as a Field Training Officer and Negotiator. During his tenure, Captain Treat has supervised the Narcotics Unit, Traffic Unit, Detention Facility, Training Unit, and Crisis Negotiations Team, and his last assignment as a night shift Lieutenant. Captain Treat holds a Bachelor's degree in Sociology from the University of Central Arkansas and is the fourth generation of his family to serve in Law Enforcement. In his off time, Captain Treat enjoys spending time with his family, being outdoors, and watching his beloved UCA Bears on Saturday Afternoon in the fall. Congratulations Captain Treat!!
2 months ago, Springdale Police Department
Capt. Treat
The Springdale Police Department would like to proudly announce the promotion of Josh Kirmer to the rank of Lieutenant. Lieutenant Kirmer joined the Police Department in June of 2001. Lieutenant Kirmer attended the six month Little Rock Police Department Academy as part of the federally funded Police Corp Program. In January of 2006, Lieutenant Kirmer was transferred the Criminal Investigation Division after working several different patrol shifts. A short time later, October of 2006, Lieutenant Kirmer was promoted to the rank of Sergeant, supervising several divisions within the Department including patrol, Crime Suppression Unit, in-house narcotics, CID, and was a Crisis Negotiator Commander and Bike Team Leader. Since joining the Police Department, Lieutenant Kirmer has held positions of Head Defensive Tactics Instructor, adjunct instructor for ALETA NW on several topics, SFST instructor and has received certification in Advanced Specialist in the Behavioral Analysis of Force Encounters. Congratulations Lieutenant Kirmer!!
2 months ago, Springdale Police Department
Lt. Kirmer
The Springdale Police Department would like to proudly announce the promotion of Chris Shirrel to the rank of Sergeant. Sergeant Shirrel was born in Port Angeles, Washington before moving to the Seattle-Tacoma area of Washington State. Sergeant Shirrel eventually moved to Southern California attending Palomar and Miramar College; graduating with a degree in General Studies with emphasis in Administration of Justice. Sergeant Shirrel also graduated from Palomar College Reserve Police Academy, top of his class in academics. Sergeant Shirrel attended and graduated from the San Diego Regional Police Academy at Miramar College in the top five of his class. While living in California, Sergeant Shirrel would meet his future wife Marney. Sergeant Shirrel moved to Springdale in 2006 to be with Marney and joined the Springdale Police Department in 2007. Sergeant Shirrel has been working patrol where he is a Field Training Officer, training numerous Officers then going to the newly formed Traffic Unit. Sergeant Shirrel went back to patrol in 2017. In his spare time; Sergeant Shirrel enjoys spending time with his wife Marney, their two children Abby and Isaak, and granddaughter Magnolia. Sergeant Shirrel also enjoys working in his yard, studying history, and reading. Congratulations Sergeant Shirrel!!
2 months ago, Springdale Police Department
Sgt. Shirrel
The Springdale Police Department would like to proudly announce the promotion of Christopher Gordon to the rank of Sergeant. Sergeant Gordon graduated from the University of Arkansas-Ft. Smith with a bachelor's degree in Criminal Justice. Sergeant Gordon began his career at the Springdale Police Department in 2017 as a patrolman. In 2022, Sergeant Gordon became a Detective working and solving numerous cases in his time in the Investigation Division. Sergeant Gordon currently serves on our SWAT team as a sniper and diligently serves as a member of the Honor Guard. During his free time, Sergeant Gordon enjoys hunting, fishing, outdoor recreation, and sports. Congratulations; Sergeant Chris Gordon!!
2 months ago, Springdale Police Department
Sgt. Gordon
The Springdale Police Department would like to proudly announce the promotion of Jordan Jacobs to the rank of Corporal. Corporal Jacobs has been an Officer with the Springdale Police Department for 7 years, serving in the patrol division. Corporal Jacobs is a Field Training Officer and has been assigned as a K9 handler with his partner Kratos. Corporal Jacobs and Kratos has deployed hundreds of times proving success in narcotic detection and locating and apprehending fleeing suspects. Corporal Jacobs enjoys relaxing with his family and dogs while not protecting and serving the citizens of Springdale. Congratulations Corporal Jacobs.
2 months ago, Springdale Police Department
As fireworks go on sale; we want to remind our residents of our city ordinance in discharging fireworks inside the city of Springdale. No fireworks that travel on stick are permitted to be discharged in the city limits. All other fireworks are allowed to be discharged within the city limits between the hours of 8:00AM and 10:00 PM July 1st through July 4th. Those under the age of 16 discharging fireworks must be under supervision by someone at least 21 years of age. We hope you all have a fun and safe 4th of July celebration.
2 months ago, Springdale Police Department
Happy Father's Day to all of our Law Enforcement dads. Thank you for your dedication to serving our community and sacrificing on the home front. We want to recognize the dual roles of father and protector. Have a great day celebrating you!
3 months ago, Springdale Police Department
Due to recent weather events that have affected our neighbors in Benton County and in the midst of severe weather season, along with other significant events happening throughout the city, we want to remind our citizens of the Springdale Alert System. This free emergency alert system allows you to receive notifications from the city, from severe weather, major emergency events, road and lane closures, and public meetings. You can modify which messages you receive, the time of day you prefer to receive notifications, and your location to be notified of events that may affect where you live, work, or play in our great city. Please go to the link provided and sign up today. https://www.springdalear.gov/o/springdale/page/springdale-alert
3 months ago, Mayor's Office
Today Detective Group (photographed with Chief Gamble) graduated from the 25th session of the Crime Scene Technician Certificate Program from the Arkansas Criminal Justice Institute in Little Rock. This is a 6 week in depth course in all vital aspects of processing crime scenes. Congratulations Detective Group , we appreciate your hard work and dedication to the department and to the citizens of Springdale.
3 months ago, Springdale Police Department
We need your assistance in identifying the following subjects in regards to various incidents around town. If you happen to have information in their identities, please call our police department at 751-4542 or CID 750-8139 or send a message online. All help is appreciated!
3 months ago, Springdale Police Department
Are you ready to take THE call? We are hiring dispatchers. Come join the best and make a great impact on your community. Apply today!! https://www.springdalear.gov/o/spd/page/employment-information
3 months ago, Springdale Police Department