Grading Permits
Per Chapter 107 Storm water Pollution Prevention, Grading, and Erosion Control. Section 107.3.F.4 Grading Permit is Required
Full ordinance documentation provided here: Chapter 107: SWPPP, Grading, and Erosion Control
The following provides steps required towards receiving a Grading Permit:
If your project includes development or rehabilitation of a building and landscaping, a Large Scale or Non-Large Scale Development must be submitted to the Planning Department. A grading permit cannot be granted for any project that intends to conduct improvements until the Planning Department signs off on the appropriate release form for Engineering to issue a Grading Permit.
After a project clears planning, if the project requires a Grading Permit, fill out the Grading Permit Application online, and submit the permit electronically for review. Print a copy, because this must be signed and submitted with a signature via fax, email, mail, or by hand prior to issuance of the Grading Permit. You may also print a PDF copy of the Grading Permit to fill out and submit. Both methods may be obtained by the following links at the bottom of the page.
If applicable, pay the Grading Permit Fee to the City Clerk's office. A copy of the receipt must be submitted with the signed application.
Submit a SWPPP for review to the Storm Water Coordinator if one has not already been submitted. After any final changes are made to be compliant with City of Springdale ordinance and ADEQ requirements, and after Planning is cleared, the Storm Water Coordinator or Director of Engineering may issue a Grading Permit.
The original permit issued from the Engineering Office will be printed on highly visible paper, and must be displayed on-site in a weatherproof container until a Notice of Termination is received and approved by the Storm Water Coordinator.
The Grading Permit application form can be downloaded at the following link:
Grading Permit Application - PDF
Grading Permit Extension - PDF
After the application form has been filled out and signed, the completed form may
be submitted through the following online submittal process:

Issued Grading Permit Sample

Provisional Grading Permit Sample