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Downtown Springdale

Located in the heart of Northwest Arkansas, Downtown Springdale is a social and transportation nexus for the region.

It's a major hub for the regional trail system and passenger rail in Northwest Arkansas while also providing plenty of opportunities to shop, grab a drink, or sample authentic food from our diverse community.
The calendar is full of events hosted by the Downtown Springdale Alliance, including Live at Turnbow, the annual Street Dinner on Emma and much more!! Downtown Springdale is also home to cultural and educational amenities that provide a wealth of fun opportunities for the whole family – The Jones Center, the Shiloh Museum of Ozark History, the J. Reilly McCarren Transportation Museum, and the Springdale Public Library.
The City of Springdale adopted the Downtown Springdale Master Plan in December 2015, taking the lead on a downtown revitalization that has already generated millions of dollars in private investment. City-sponsored improvements to downtown include the creation of Walter Turnbow Park (pictured here) and streetscape improvements on Emma Avenue.
The Downtown Springdale Alliance is a nonprofit contracted by the City to help create a dynamic and thriving downtown. To check out everything our downtown has to offer, please visit the Downtown Springdale website. You can also put an event on the community calendar, sign up for weekly updates or request to book Shiloh Square on their website. The Downtown Springdale website is managed by the Downtown Springdale Alliance.
To reserve Shiloh Square or Walter Turnbow Park, click here
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Check out the Downtown Master Plan!