Contact Us

Ernest Cate
City Attorney
Email Ernest Cate
Phone: 479-750-8173
City Attorney
Physical Address
201 Spring Street
Springdale, AR 72764
Phone: 479-750-8173
Fax: 479-750-4732
City Attorney
Thank you for visiting our web site. We have divided information contained on our website 10 categories, which are located to the left. "FAQs" are questions which the City Attorney's Office frequently receives. We have tried to cover the answers to these frequently asked questions in a clear and concise manner.
"C.A.L.L." (City Attorney Law Letter) and "The M.A.P." (The Municipal Attorney Periodical) are located in the category entitled "Newsletters." "C.A.L.L." is designed to keep Springdale law enforcement officers up to date on the latest legal information. We archive two years of C.A.L.L. on our website. "The M.A.P." (Municipal Attorney Periodical) is our semi-annual publication designed to keep Springdale elected officials, department heads and supervisors up to date on the latest legal developments which may have an effect on their job.
If you should have questions or need other information not available on our web site, please feel free to contact me.
Ernest B. Cate, City Attorney
Take a look at the winners of the City Attorney Justice Award.