Bulky Waste Program

The Public Works Department's Bulky Waste Pick Up Program is part of a continuing effort to improve the quality of life for all Springdale residents. Less garbage sitting around will provide a safer place for all residents to work and play and keep the city looking its best.

To Schedule a Bulky Waste Pick Up, Follow These Simple Steps

Call the Public Works office the week before you're ready to have your pick up. Phone # 479.750.8135.

  • Read and understand what is and is not allowed to be put out for Bulky Waste.

  • When you call to schedule, you will be instructed to wait until the upcoming weekend to place your items out by the curb and our bulky waste crew will come by to pickup between Monday and Friday of the following week (we are unable to schedule for a specific day).

Placing Items for Pick Up

  • Do not place too close to a fence, a mailbox, electric/water/gas meter, under trees, under low power lines and no further than 6 feet from the curb. 

  • Make sure no vehicles park in front of the pile.

  • Please make sure that all items are placed at the address that has requested the pickup. 

What Items Can Be Picked Up?

Bulky waste items (for a combined 8 cubic feet / per pickup.)

  • Furniture (4- Mattresses or Box springs & 2- Couches total per year) 

  • White goods (appliances such as stoves, water heaters, washing machines, dryers, refrigerators or other cooling items

    • Freon and/or other refrigerant coolant including gas must be removed by a licensed professional and documentation to verify removal is required.

  • Tires and/or rims; must be Separated (4 max. Per calendar year)

  • Tree cuttings, must be no more than 5 ft. in length, do not need to be bundled/tied  *see note below on "For Hire" tree trimming service*

  • Construction materials limited to 2 cubic yard or less

What Will Not Be Allowed?

  • Garbage (food and kitchen waste)

  • No trash bags or other bagged items

  • Cardboard or other recyclables

  • Free liquids such as paint or chemicals

  • Televisions or computers

  • Any tree trimmings cut and left by any "for hire" service

  • Bagged yard waste; grass clippings,  leaves, gumballs, bushes, etc.

  • Styrofoam

  • Fluorescent Lightbulbs

If any of these items are included in your Bulky Waste nothing will be picked up until they are removed.

Ordinance 102.1

Tree trimmings, large branches, wood or limbs resulting from the pruning or removal of trees by tree service companies or individuals engaged in such service for hire is not defined as bulky waste. The removal of such items is the responsibility of the owner, occupant, tenant or lessee of the property.

Ordinance 102.6 (B)

Households with more than (16) sixteen cubic yards of bulky waste may inquire about the Public Works Department's paid bulky waste service. The cost for this service is $18.75 per cubic yard and there is a minimum eight cubic yard charge of $150. An approval form signed by the property owner, occupant, tenant or lessee is required for removal of excess bulky waste.

Bulky Waste FAQ

1. Are all residents able to use this service?

Unfortunately, not everyone will be able to take advantage of this service. Residents must be able to provide proof of residency by a copy of your water bill. Also, apartment complexes with more than five (5) units are not eligible for bulky waste pickup.

2. How often can I schedule a pickup?

The Springdale Public Works Department will collect up to eight (8) cubic yards of bulky waste per household, twice per calendar year. If the bulky waste pile exceeds 8 cubic yards, residents can choose to combine the two bulky waste pickups into one pickup of up to 16 cubic yards.

3. Am I allowed to Schedule a pickup for a neighbor, family member or tenant?

No. We will not schedule a pick up for a neighbor, family member or a tenant without their prior approval.

4. What if I have more than the allowable amount?

You have the option of disposing of the excess on your own or we can schedule a time to pick up the rest for a fee.

5. Who do I call for bulky waste?

You will need to call the Street Department / Public Works at 479-750-8135.