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Ryan Carr
Deputy Director of Engineering Operations
Phone: 479-750-8105
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John Easterling
Special Projects Administrator
Phone: 479-756-7716
Email John Easterling

West Emma Ave. Extention (48th to Gutensohn)



Phase 1: Complete

Phase 2: Construction - 55% Completed

Description: This project includes extending Har-Ber Avenue from 48th Street to Gutensohn Road. The east end of the proposed street will be at the West Emma Avenue and Gutensohn Road intersection, and the west end will be at the intersection of 48th Street and Har-Ber Avenue. The project will include a bridge across I-49, three lanes with a center turn lane (two lanes across the birdge), sidewalk, a 12 foot sidepath, and traffic signals at 48th Street, 40th Street, and Gutensohn Road.  Phase 1 of the project consists of improvements from Gutensohn to 40th Street, which is approximately 0.75 miles.

Phase 2 includes the construction of Har-ber Avenue from 48th Street east to 40th Street and the widening of 40th Street, including an overpass over Interstate 49 in Springdale, Arkansas.

Estimated Date of Completion:

Phase 1: July 2023

Phase 2: Summer 2025

Current Contract Cost:

Phase 1: $9,989,970.85

Phase 2: $16,539,926.50