Engineering Department

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Contact Us:

Ryan Carr
Deputy Director of Engineering
Phone: 479-750-8105
Email Ryan Carr

John Easterling
Special Projects Administrator
Phone: 479-756-7716
Email John Easterling

Sunset Avenue Extension & Powell Street Improvements

(Holcomb Street to Robinson Avenue)


Note: Click on an imagine to make it bigger.

Status: Design Phase

Description: This project consists of extending Sunset Avenue 0.4 miles from Holcomb Street to Powell Street. The extension would also include 0.6 miles of improvements on Powell Street from Sunset Avenue to Aspenridge Drive. Improvements include a 3 lane roadway with 12 foot sidepath and 5 foot sidewalk.

Estimated Date of Completion: Design to be completed by Q3 2025.

Current Contract Amount: TBD