Engineering Department
Engineering Development Review
Drainage & Illicit Discharge Complaint
Contact Us:
Ryan Carr
Deputy Director of Engineering
Phone: 479-750-8105
Email Ryan Carr
Gene George Boulevard North
(N. 56th Street & County Line Road)

Status: Acquisition
Description: This project will extend N. 56th Street from Elm Springs Road to County Line Road as a four-lane boulevard with a median. The boulevard section will also include a sidewalk on the east side and a 12 foot multi-use path on the west side. This project will also include improvements to County Line Road from N. 56th Street to Shaw Park. The County Line improvements will be a 12 foot multi-use path on North side of the street.
This project is intended to run in conjunction with Springdale Water Utilities new 48 inch water line.
Total approximate length: 1.3 miles (56th Street), 1 mile (County Line Road).
Estimated Date of Completion: Right of way acquisition is expected to be complete Spring 2025.
Projected Estimated Cost: $16,000,000.00