Engineering Department
Engineering Development Review
Drainage & Illicit Discharge Complaint
Contact Us:
Ryan Carr
Deputy Director of Engineering
Phone: 479-750-8105
Email Ryan Carr
John Easterling
Special Projects Administrator
Phone: 479-756-7716
Email John Easterling
Gene George Boulevard South
Phase I: Complete; Street is open, punch list items are being finished up.
Phase 2 & 3: In Acquisition, projected until Q3, 2025.
Description: The overall 56th Street South project includes extending Gene George Boulevard from the existing roundabout at Don Tyson Parkway south to Johnson Mill Boulevard in the City of Johnson.
Phase I will focus on the extension from the existing roundabout to approximately 0.35 miles south. This street will be constructed as a four lane boulevard with two lanes each direction, a central landscaped median, sidewalk, and a 10 foot sidepath.
Phase 2 will incorporate the same amenities while providing a roundabout connection to New Hope Road (approximately 0.45 miles of boulevard and 0.25 miles of New Hope extension)
Phase 3 will have the same amenities with a connection to Johnson Mill Boulevard (approximately 0.4 miles of boulevard).
Estimated Date of Completion:
Phase 1: Complete
Phase 2 & 3: TBD; only funded through acquisition and utility relocation at this time.
Current Contract Cost:
Phase 1: $4,859,238.00