Contact Us
Engineering Department
201 Spring St. Springdale, AR 72764
Phone: 479-750-8105
Residential Driveway Expansion & Curb Cut Permits
Quick Info:
An expanded driveway may consist of one 9' x 19' parking space plus approach and must conform to Chapter 114-56(b), including the following general requirements. These requirements will be checked by an inspector prior to approval:
At least 3 feet from the property line
Opposite the front door
Total paving does not exceed 40% of the front yard
Expansion must be of the same material as the existing driveway
Curb cut required if expansion cannot be accessed without driving over the
Click here for more detailed information: Driveway Expansion/ Curb Cut Information
Driveway Permit: $50
Curb Cut Permit: $50
Curb Cut Deposit: $500

To obtain a hard copy of the Driveway Expansion Permit Application, please schedule an appointment with the Engineering Department by calling 479-750-8105.