Engineering Department

Improvement Plans

Animal Shelter Improvement

Criminal Justice and Admin. Building Improvement

Fire Department Improvement

Park and Recreational Improvement

Refunding Bonds

Current Projects

Contact Us:

Ryan Carr
Deputy Director of Engineering Operations
Phone: 479-750-8105
Email Ryan Carr

John Easterling
Special Projects Administrator
Phone: 479-756-7716
Email John Easterling

Don Tyson Parkway (Gene George to 112)


Status: Utility Relocation

Description: This project will extend Don Tyson Parkway as a four lane boulevard from the Gene George roundabout to Highway 112.  This project will include a landscaped median, sidewalk, a 10 foot sidepath, and a connection into the 64th Street Phase 2 project.  The city is also planning for ArDOT to connect Don Tyson with the Highway 112 roundabout.  Total approximate length: 0.8 miles.

Estimated Date of Completion: Q2, 2026

Current Contract Amount: TBD