Commercial Plan Review
The following applies to new construction, additions or alterations to all buildings other than one- and two-family dwellings and their accessory structures.
Before a building permit can be issued. A development plan must be submitted to the planning and community development division for review and approval by the city planning commission. (Code of Ordinances Sec. 112-8) Consult with the Planning Department 750-8550. Building plans and development plans may be reviewed simultaneously.
Building plans will be reviewed on a first come first served basis. The plan review will normally take no more than two weeks.
Plan review fee is one half the building permit fee and is added at the time of permit issue. There is no fee if a permit is not issued.
The plans examiner will need one set of plans in pdf format for the review. Submit plans via email. Small plan sets may be attached to the email with larger plan sets please set up a drop box. Once reviewed one set of paper plans (field set) will be requested. Please bind paper plans into reasonably manageable sets not greater than 50 sheets by discipline.
For projects greater than $250,000; construction or substantial remodel of assembly occupancies with a seating/standing area greater than 1350 sf, plan set shall be signed and stamped by an Arkansas licensed design professional. An Arkansas licensed engineer shall affix their stamp and sign one copy of all structural drawings. The stamped structural designs may be submitted separately.
Digital stamps will be accepted with a letter from the architect of record affirming the electronic stamps are correct. Letter shall be on the designer's letterhead with appropriate stamp and signature.
Plumbing plans shall be submitted by a licensed design professional or licensed master plumber. State approval, for plumbing and gas only, is not required.
Basis of design calculations (manual N, HAP, ASHRAE, checksum) shall be provided by a licensed design professional or licensed HVAC Contractor
For buildings not designed to the prescriptive tables of the energy code (total building performance design) a compliance report (COMcheck) stamped by the design professional shall be submitted.
After the plans examiner has reviewed the plans, a letter listing items that do not meet code requirements will be emailed to the contractor and/or the designer. After comments are addressed, plans will be approved for construction.
The following plans may be deferred:
Plumbing plan must be approved prior to issuance of plumbing permit
Stamped structural steel plans must be approved and on site prior to erection of structural steel.
Stamped wood truss plans must be approved and on site prior to erection of trusses.
HVAC basis of design (manual N, HAP, ASHRAE, Checksum) must be submitted prior to issuance of mechanical permit.
Kitchen exhaust and hazardous exhaust system plans must be approved and on site prior to installation.
Fire sprinkler plans must be approved and on site prior to beginning sprinkler work.
Fire Alarm plans must be approved and on site prior to beginning fire alarm work.
Building design criteria:
Ground snow load | 10 psf |
Basic wind speed (Vmph) risk category II | 107 mph |
Subject to damage from weathering | Severe |
Subject to termite damage | Yes |
Frost depth line | 18 in |
Winter design temp. (99%) | -9.0 deg F |
Air freezing index (Fay) | 414 |
Mean annual Temp | 57.85 deg F |
Current codes as of April 15, 2023 are listed below. All construction with permit application after this date shall be built to these codes:
2021 Arkansas Fire Prevention Code Vol. I – Fire (based on ICC Fire Code)
2021 Arkansas Fire Prevention Code Vol. II – Building (based on ICC Building Code)
2020 National Electrical Code
2021 International Mechanical Code
2018 Arkansas Plumbing Code (based on 2018 IPC)
2018 Arkansas Fuel Gas Code (based on 2018 IFGC)
2014 Arkansas Energy Conservation Code (based on 2009 IECC)