Airport Construction

Many exciting projects are happening at the Springdale Municipal Airport.
We are extending the East taxiway to meet the North end of the runway. This is a huge undertaking from having to extend the box culverts in Spring Creek to adding all new wiring and lighting for the entire east taxiway. We hope to have all construction completed by the new year!
The taxiway extension will allow for more hangar expansion outside the fence on the NE side, with access off Hwy 265. The city currently has a large corporate hangar under construction in that location, with room for several more over the next few years. The city also has plans to build out the abandoned concrete slab on the SW corner, near Powell Street.
With a shortage on hangars throughout the NW Arkansas area, several individuals have elected to sign a land lease and build their own hangar inside the airport fence. A couple of spots are still available, with more to come in the future.