A Better Bird Photo Gallery
Eggbreakers at Jerpe Dairy Products, Fayetteville, December 1942. Washington County History Book Collection (S-90-24-30)
Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Phillips, Springdale, 1950s-1960s. Springdale Chamber of Commerce Collection (S-77-9-329)
7th annual Northwest Arkansas Poultry Festival, Springdale, May 7, 1966. Jim Morriss, photographer. Springdale News Collection (SN 5-7-1966)
Springdale Electric Hatchery, 1930s. Washington County History Book Collection (S-2003-2-1120)
Roy Ritter at Quality Hatchery, Springdale, 1950s–1960s. Roy Ritter Collection (S-89-39-39)
Gail Brown with a LedBrest Cockerel, Springdale, July 1961. Howard Clark, photographer. Caroline Price Clark Collection (S-2002-72-168A)
Chicken catcher, Springdale, January 1964. Earlene Brown Henry Collection (S-2006-129-79)
Peterson chicks, Decatur, 1970s–1980s. Tyson Foods Collection (S-90-154-37)
Tyson’s Pride bulk-feed wagon, Springdale, 1963. Tyson Foods Collection (S-90-154-74)
William Patrick (left) and Benjamin “Pat” Patrick at Pat’s Hatchery, Springdale, 1950s–1960s. Rosemary Patrick Hash Collection (S-2015-33-6)
Joe Steele and Shelby Ford at First State Bank, Springdale, 1960s–1970s. Bruce Vaughan, photographer. Bruce Vaughan Collection (S-93-84-69)
George’s Inc. feed mill, Springdale, 1950s. Springdale Chamber of Commerce Collection (S-77-9-195)
Chicks in a brooder room at Jeff D. Brown and Son Co., Springdale, January 1964. Earlene Brown Henry Collection (S-2006-129-45)
Boy carrying eggs at J. J. Arthurs’ farm, Springdale, September 1959. Howard Clark, photographer. Caroline Price Clark Collection (S-2001-82-272)
Jerry Hinshaw teaching at a school for poultry growers at Arbor Acres, Springdale, July 1961. Howard Clark, photographer. Caroline Price Clark Collection (S-2002-73-30)
Shipping poultry to New York from Burt Snow Produce, Carroll County, 1910s. Carroll County Heritage Center Collection (S-85-14-17)
Packaging chicken at Springdale Farms, Springdale, late 1950s. Guy Loyd, photographer. Lois J. Loyd Collection (S-99-125-1)
Live birds hung for processing at Swift Company, Huntsville, 1974. Beatrice Foods Collection (S-86-122-37)
Turkey farm, near Springdale, 1960s. LeAnn Ritter Underwood Collection (S-2012-31-71)
Feed mill worker at Jeff D. Brown and Son, Springdale, January 1964. Earlene Brown Henry Collection (S-2006-129-64)